Community Photo Walks

Photo walks are a great way to get outside and practice the art of photography in a small group of other curious photographers! Typically an hour long, photo walks start at a pre-determined location and slowly meander along a path to a final location with some short check-ins along the way. During a photo walk, we might play with different ideas like light, color, and movement; observing how each photographer interprets and captures these ideas differently!

Photo walks are for everyone! If you have a digital or film camera you want to practice with, bring it! If you have a smart phone and want to practice taking photos with it, bring it! “Fancy equipment” and years of experience are not required to participate in a photo walk.

If walking isn’t great for you but you still want to join, let me know! I’ll work to accommodate you into the group and make it an accessible space for you.

Burlington, VT

Photo walks are held once every other month and will be in a different part of Burlington each time! The months in between photo walks, you can join a virtual workshop where fellow participants will share photos they captured on the previous walk for everyone’s enjoyment!

Photo walks and their subsequent workshops are free!

I’m excited to have you join us! To sign up for a photo walk or virtual workshop, select from the list below and complete the short registration form.

Photo walks

  • December 2024 - Pho-ho-hotos for the Holidays!

  • 2025 Dates TBA

virtual workshops

  • January 2025 - Pho-ho-hotos for the Holidays! Workshop